Compare Kenyon B80201 vs Kenyon B80205 - Cooktops

Cooktops Comparison

Kenyon B80201 Kenyon B80205

General features

Kenyon B80201 and Kenyon B80205 belong to the electric type of cooktops that can provide you with even heat distribution, simple installation and easy further maintenance. These items can maintain low temperatures, which are good for melting chocolate or softening butter. In addition electric cooktops are more affordable, than their gas competitors.

Number of burners in cooktops varies from model to model. According to this parameter, the items are divided into: compact (1-2 burners), standard (3-4 burners) and large (5-6 burners).

Cooktops Kenyon B80201 and Kenyon B80205 with 2 burners are a good choice for singles, students, summer houses or people with limited space in the kitchens. Such compact models ensure convenient and efficient performance.


Sensor Touch control panel in Kenyon B80201 and Kenyon B80205 is advanced and functional. It is easily accessible, simple in use, accurate and high-end. Besides cooktops with Sensor Touch look elegant and stylish.

Other Features

Kenyon B80201 and Kenyon B80205 conform to the strict requirements of American with Disabilities Act (ADA), what means that: the controls are located upfront within a forward reach range of 15 and 48 inches; the controls are one-hand operable the required force is not more, than 5 lbf. This type of cooktops is recommended for people with disabilities.

Show Differences
Kenyon B80201 Kenyon B80205
From $1459 From $1475
General features
Fuel Type
Electric Electric
2 2
SilKEN Series SilKEN Series
- -
Control Type
Sensor Touch Sensor Touch
Technical Details
Continuous Grates
- -
Volts (V)
220 220
Frequency (Hz)
60 60
Output Power
Other Features
+ +
LP Conversion
- -
Actual Width (inch)
23.5 23.5
Actual Depth (inch)
14.5 14.5
Actual Height (inch)
3.5 3.5
Width (inch)
22.75 22.75
Depth (inch)
12.25 12.25
Height (inch)
3.5 3.5
Product Weight (lbs)
23 23